Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. “Outbound FDI control: a new economic security tool for the European Union?” Columbia FDI Perspectives #398
Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. "The EU's Geoeconomic Turn: From Policy Laggard to Institutional Innovator". Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(4), pp. 1097-1115
Sophie Meunier and Christian Freudlsperger. “When Foreign Policy Becomes Trade Policy: The EU's Anti-Coercion Instrument”. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(4), pp. 1063-1079
Sophie Meunier and Guri Rosen. "Economic Security and the Politics of Trade and Investment Policy in Europe". Politics and Governance, 11(4), pp. 122-128.
Sophie Meunier, Anna Vlasiuk Nibe, and Christilla Roederer. "Pre-emptive depoliticisation: the European Commission and the EU foreign investment screening regulation". Journal of European Public Policy.
Sophie Meunier and Matthias Matthijs. "Europe's Geoeconomic Revolution: How the EU Learned to Wield its Real Power". Foreign Affairs, September/October 2023
Sophie Meunier, Robert Basedow and Christilla Roederer-Rynning. "Fair Play: The Politics of Evaluating Foreign Subsidies in the European Union". EUI Working Paper, RSC 2023 (41)
Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. "If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: The Rise of Investment Screening in Europe in Comparative Perspective." Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2022(4), pp. 649-656
Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. "Naïve no more: Foreign direct investment screening in the European Union". Global Policy, online first https://doi.org/10.1111/1758-5899.13215
Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. "Mapping the Characteristics of Foreign Investment Screening Mechanisms: The New PRISM Dataset". International Studies Quarterly, 67(2), June 2023: https://doi.org/10.1093/isq/sqad026
Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Emily Kilcrease. “The Illusion of Controls: Unilateral Attempts to Contain China’s Technology Ambitions Will Fail” Foreign Affairs 30 December 2022
Sophie Meunier. "The End of Naivety : Assertiveness and New Instruments in EU Trade and Investment Policy", EUI Policy Brief 2022/55
Sarah Bauerle Danzman. “Toward a Balanced Outbound Investment Screening Regime” Testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 29 September.
Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Emily Kilcrease. Sand in the Silicon: Designing an Outbound Investment Controls Mechanism. Atlantic Council and CNAS Issue Brief. September.
Sarah Bauerle Danzman. 2022. “Is FDI at a Critical Juncture? Contemplating a Post-COVID Investment Environment” inYearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2020, edited by Lisa Laches, Lise Johnson, and Jesse Coleman. Oxford University Press, pp. 5-18.
Sarah Bauerle Danzman and Sophie Meunier. "The Big Screen: Mapping the Diffusion of Foreign Investment Screening Mechanisms". Working Paper, SSRN.
Zenobia Chan and Sophie Meunier. "Behind the Screen: Understanding National Support for a Foreign Investment Screening Mechanism in the European Union". Review of International Organizations.
Sarah Bauerle Danzman. “Investment Screening in the Shadow of Weaponized Interdependence” in The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence, edited by Daniel Drezner, Henry Farrell, and Abraham Newman. Washington, D.C.: Brookings, pp. 257-272.
Sarah Bauerle Danzman. “National Security, Investment Review, and Sensitive Data.” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 2021, doi:10.1017/amp.2021.103
Brandice Canes-Wrone, Lauren Mattioli, and Sophie Meunier. “Foreign direct investment screening and congressional backlash politics in the United States”. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 22.4.
Sarah Bauerle Danzman. "Foreign Direct Investment policy, domestic firms and financial constraints". Business and Politics 22.2.
Sarah Bauerle Danzman. Merging Interests: When Domestic Firms Shape FDI Policy. Cambridge University Press.